Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Christine O'Donnell, or a Telletubby- Which would be the better candidate?

Teletubbies are cute, and genuinely pure, and best of all, they don't say as many stupid things.

The political right has a fascination with telegenic candidates, apparently giving their physical appearance greater importance than their other qualifications, or lack of them.

The candidates' ignorance, and their stupidity, and their lack of the intellectual curiosity to research information prior to speaking, are appalling.  An example would be Christine O'Donnell, who recently happily, mindlessly babbled criticism that President Obama had violated the U.S. Constitution by granting titles of nobility to the various administration Czars. 

Never mind that Czar is a quasi-slang term for advisers, most often used by the press, but sometimes used by political figures, dating back to the 1930's and 1940's in the Roosevelt administration.

O'Donnell, who has delusions about being a legitimate contender for the Senate, representing Delaware, is apparently unaware that the term Czar is not used in the context of an actual patent of nobility.   I am amazed that O'Donnell hasn't criticized Obama for creating RUSSIAN nobility, rather than good old fashioned AMERICAN nobility. 
(Don't tell O'Donnell about the comparisons the press made to JFK and Camelot.) I'm surprised as well that O'Donnell hasn't berated Obama for having so many Czars because, you know, those Russians are mostly all Communists and Socialists and Marxist's and Leninists and... and.. Stalinists too,oh my! Or, maybe gay-moslem-zombie nazis.  Just wait!  It's coming, next, or something like it.
Now, the right may point to the occasional misstatements by serious candidates on the left, but those gaffes are rare, they happen to anyone who has a camera on them and a microphone in front of them 24/7.  But even giving some of the Republican candidates that leeway, that benefit of the doubt, these are fools.  Ignorant fools.  They make don't make just the occasional campaign-fatigued faux-pas, they make consistent, frequent patterns of these kinds of statements.  Statements like companies are breeding mice with 'fully-functional human brains'.  Or that evolution must be a myth, because O'Donnell hasn't observed monkeys evolving into humans,  apparently neither understanding that species evolve over eon long periods of time, nor that we as humans are also continuing to evolve.   Perhaps Ms. O'Donnell has substituted watching Planet of the Apes movies for the content of her science studies?

The buffoon candidates are excused their glaring deficiencies of character; their blatant deficiencies of qualifications are ignored, so long as they will espouse right wing positions.  The crazier, the dumber, the less-qualified, the further to the right the statements they make are, in order to appease and attract support.

And they get that support.  They get it from the Tea Partiers, they get it from the Fox News faux-pundits, they get it from media personalities like Limbaugh and they get it from the Republican machine figures like Karl Rove.  Even the serious conservatives cannot support them other than by the most tenuous of faint praise, and only when coerced by pressure from the likes of Limbaugh and Beck to conform.

I have a suggestion; the Right would be better off running one or more of the teletubbies; if they are looking for a political declaration for those red states, Po is the red one.  Tinky-Winky is the purple one that they claimed was homosexual because of the magic bag / purse, and the triangular 'antenna' on his head.  Their babbling is less inclined to cause embarrassment and makes more sense, and is intentionally repetitiveness simplistic.  They have plenty of experience with television cameras, microphones and happy, accepting audiences, and they are cloyingly cute, too.  Po could provide genuine purity and innocence, not that ersatz prudery that O'Donnell has made a living from promoting.  Her incoherent babble could be understood as ideology as easily as anything else.

I leave it to the Penigma readers to draw the connections between the similarities of the media management of the right who promote the extreme right tea partiers, and the teletubby world voice-trumpets and talking flowers.  The right could get behind Teletubby candidate who live in a domed world where there are no environmental issues like climate change.  Candidates who have blank screens where their guts should be to  play repetitive, simplistic videos? What could be better for the 2010 campaigns aimed at angry, low-information ideologues!

I'm envisioning the equivalent to the teletubbies' vacuum-cleaner-like  'Noo-Noo' as the party of  'No! No! Hell No!'s ...........No, on second thought, YOU, our reader should fill in the blank.  Use your imagination for that, instead of imagining Obama enobled Russian aristocrats roaming the White House, and monster mice with fully functioning human brains.  And then imagine how much less embarrassing and how much more suitable Po the red Teletubby would be as a candidate.

Just say 'No' to dumb candidates. Vote Po!  It's easier to spell as a write-in vote than Murkowski.

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