Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Era of Post-Truthism: Teaching K-12 the Loch Ness Monster is REAL, and Darwinism is Wrong

What is sometimes called "post-truth" politics is a euphemism.

What it IS, what the term really means are lies, and deliberate aversion from known facts, because the facts and the truth are NOT what the adherent to post-truth politics wants to hear.  It results in an entire political party on the right - the GOP and their subgroup, the Tea Party - making the deliberate choice to disregard fact in favor of fiction, and to make legislation and to raise money instead on bigotry, superstition, and fear mongering ideology.  It is wrong, it is bad, it is hateful.  It is unpatriotic, it is divisive, it is the worst possible development for our nation.

We live in the real world, the objective and fact-based reality, not their quasi-religious hate-based fantasy world.  This video clip of a larger show presents an excellent view of the problem.

Let me be clear - if you follow the fact checkers, you will find them faulting the left as well as the right.
But the difference is, the way the left errs will be a number might be off, or a statistic might be out of date, or they just get something wrong as an honest mistake.  The overall intellectual structure in which they act is fact based; there are negative consequences for being wrong, there is a push to be accurate, and to engage in factual information and legitimate ideas.

That is not equally the case on the right - as I noted yesterday in my post on the anti-science bias of Republicans chronicled by science writer Chris Mooney in his books Republican Brain, and his book The Republican War on Science (part of the larger culture war against reality and the people who live in it in spite of right wing ideology).

In that context, I offer you the example of a Louisiana School, with the approval and permission of the state education regulators, teaching that the Loch Ness monster is real, as a means to justify that creationism is correct and Darwinism is not.  It should come as no surprise that southern schools typically score less well  in metrics relating to education than less backward, less faith driven curriculum states.  They WORK at being stupid, they live it, they teach it, they vote it, and they get very angry when their alternate universe is challenged by the real, objective reality world.  People like this will ensure that we continue to slide in relation to other nations, and will continue to create an accomplishment disparity between regions of our nation.

I recognize that there are some conservatives who aren't birthers or truthers or the other conspiracy theorists; their are conservatives who aren't drooling fundies. But the problem is, the right has embraced and encouraged them, and has pandered to them for money, and has legislated for them in order to gain numbers.  The right has embraced the stupid, the ignorant, the bigots, and the racists, and in the process they have sacrificed their morals and their ethics and their values and their principles. 

It was too high a price to pay for what they got in return.

There have been places I have traveled that were dangerous for Americans; I have stopped short of denying my nationality, but in those places as a matter of prudence, I have also not made it a blatant point that I am an American.  I have allowed people to mistake me variously for a Brit, a Canadian, and a white South African.  Those were instances where discretion was the better part of valor.  That was a case of being careful to avoid the kind of incident from which my country might not be able to protect or save me.

These people simply make me ashamed of my country and my fellow citizens and their blatant and offensive ignorance.

From the HuffPo:

Louisiana Private Schools Teach Loch Ness Monster Is Real In Effort To Disprove Evolution Theory

Some students at private schools in Louisiana are being taught that Scotland's fabled Loch Ness monster is real, a claim that is then held as evidence disproving Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the Scotsman reports.

Thousands of students across the state are eligible to receive publicly funded vouchers to allow them to attend private Christian schools where textbooks published by Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) claim the monster was actually a dinosaur that existed at the same time as man, an assertion which conflicts with the theory of evolution.

The Times Educational Supplement, a British publication for teachers, published an article in 2009 that included an excerpt from Accelerated Christian Education's Biology 1099 textbook, which was published in 1995:

Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the `Loch Ness Monster' in Scotland? `Nessie,' for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur.

Could a fish have developed into a dinosaur? As astonishing as it may seem, many evolutionists theorize that fish evolved into amphibians and amphibians into reptiles. This gradual change from fish to reptiles has no scientific basis. No transitional fossils have been or ever will be discovered because God created each type of fish, amphibian, and reptile as separate, unique animals. Any similarities that exist among them are due to the fact that one Master Craftsmen fashioned them all."

Loch Ness monster tour guide Tony Drummond, 47, told the Scottish Sun the curriculum is "ridiculous propaganda."

And Bruce Wilson, a researcher specializing in the American political religious right, told the Scotsman that one of the texts also claims "dinosaurs were fire-breathing dragons."

"It has little to do with science as we currently understand. It’s more like medieval scholasticism," Wilson told the paper.

According to Scotland's the Herald, one of the textbooks also provides a somewhat controversial look at the Ku Klux Klan.

"The [Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross ... In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians," the textbook reads, according to the Herald.

Laci, you can stop laughing now - but I'm sure you happier than ever that you were educated in the UK instead of here.


  1. QUERY : Do we know if any Minnesota charter schools uses the book that teaches Loch Ness monster is real ?

    The HuffPost story does not included the "guts" of the teaching ... this is from the publisher -

    When Science Fails :

    When Science Fails presents the Bible as totally accurate and science as a process of trial-and-error riddled by human frailty …. this short book will reinforce the message that science will never contradict the Bible, and “true science” is simply one way to gain information about the world. Casting “common people” with common ideas as heroes standing up to scornful scientists, this short book directly attacks the ideas that science has all the answers and that science could ever prove the Bible false.

    I blogged about charter schools and relationship of religion (it's not just Christian schools but Muslims schools that receive funding).

    Romney would eliminate caps on charter schools arguing that increased competition among schools would be a good thing, and as it would provide parents with more options for educating their children. However, since charter schools get to select which students they want to accept, it means that the underperforming and students with disabilities will be left for the public schools ...

    No doubt that the discipline used in some charter schools (ties, vests, sweaters, marching, etc.) produce some good results ... but when they only a small fraction of the students, the results are skewed.

  2. Answering my own question ... Maybe ... although this text book may not be used, the ACE program is used by a number of schools in Minnesota.
    The program is described as :
    From its beginning, Accelerated Christian Education has maintained high Biblical and academic standards and remained committed to setting children on a path for success. The goal is the same today: to prepare children for the world today and give them the academic and spiritual tools necessary to achieve their God-given potential. On the surface, most schools look alike—buildings, personnel, curriculum, and budgets. The A.C.E. program is different. For over 40 years, it has been the trendsetter in Biblical educational reform. Its philosophy is built on basic principles of the Word of God. Students are taught to see life from God's point of view, to take responsibility for their own learning, and to walk in Godly wisdom and character. Accelerated Christian Education® is not just a publisher but a comprehensive Bible-based program that serves both the campus-based school and the homeschool.

    The number of students show a high of 79 at Hope Christian Academy in St. Paul Park to a school in New Ulm with only two students (most likely a home-schooling Mom).

    Here is a link to the schools.

    I am more scared of these HomeSchooling Teachers than I am the Loch Ness monster.

  3. And well you should be afraid. The push for charter schools is part of the efforts to attack public schools and education. It is a shameless part of the right wing attack on science, but it can only exist with the effectiveness of post-truthism (or more accurately, LIES).

    Home schooling, charter schools, and vouchers and lot and lots of for-profit education at all levels; a philosophy that we should privatizes government. An ignorant electorate is a more easily controlled electorate.

    I see this, along with privatizing libraries, as dangerous attempts at mind control through information control. If you control what someone learns in this skewed way, and how they learn to think (no critical thinking skills, no fact checking and total submission to religious teaching) then you can rewirte history, lie about politics and economics, promote Republican math that doesn't add up --- anything you want.

    This is obscene, and if ever there was a living example of big lie thinking and strategy, this is it.
