Monday, June 11, 2012

The Science of Racism and the 2012 Election

I am expecting to hear the common phrase, most often issuing from the right wing, of 'playing the race card'. I thought this definition summed up what that means:
Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to exploitation of either racist or anti-racist attitudes by accusing others of racism.
There are multiple usages of the phrase "playing the race card" as noted in the entry that supplied the above definition.
I'm responding specifically to this one that characterizes conservatives:
George Dei, Karumanchery, et alia , in their book Playing the Race Card[4] argue that the term itself is a rhetorical device used in an effort to devalue and minimize claims of racism.
We have seen where the job performance by the President has had a basis in attitudes about race as reflected in this University of Delaware study:

The hypothesis for Hehman's paper centered around the possibility that whites’ racial prejudices influenced "how American" they perceived Obama to be, which would in turn predict their evaluations of his presidential performance. Furthermore, Hehman predicted that whites would be the only group in which such racial prejudice would ultimately influence their evaluations of performance and that it would affect only their evaluations of the president. He predicted that when whites evaluated Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., or when African Americans evaluated either Obama or Biden, racial prejudices would not affect their assessments.
In an election cycle which features the grand epic candidacy failure, Herman Cain criticizing Barak Obama for attending a black liberation theology church, because it represents an anti-American political ideology, while the church where Cain is himself a lay pastor is an older and much larger church with arguably a much more radical black liberation theology commitment is just one example of how bizarre the issue of race is in the 2012 presidential election which I wrote about here.
There is a spectrum of racism, from the form of racial animus, an unconscious racial prejudice that often incorporates racist stereotypical thinking, to the outright racism of white supremacists thinking embraced by the politics of the right, as reflected in tea partiers and other conservatives.  This is reflected in the politics of years of presentations and seminars at CPAC, to the prevalence and acceptance of birthers among the right wing extremists who have hijacked the GOP.  When white supremacists, racist tea partiers, and birthers are warmly and publicly embraced, but moderates are excluded and driven from the party that is otherwise intolerant of differences of opinion, and strongly anti-minorities, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-muslim, anti-women and anti-science.
the Joker is
R-money's Trump card,
his suit is birthers
and racism, the
game is racist
dirty politics
We see racism in the opposition to Barak Obama's campaign for a second term, and we can objectively see racism in the opinions on the issues as well.  It is NOT only a racial intolerance for one person, it is reflected in attitudes about political issues.  But because President Obama has focused that larger issue animus so strongly, it is not the whole basis for the support of political positions, but it is a major facet of them, ranging from unions to health care reform, to taxation and the social safety net.
The right is incapable of recognizing their bias, and they rabidly deny their racism.  I don't believe all of the conservatives who hold these extremist and racist views actually hate the people of color that they know.  But their thinking and their ideology is deeply formulated in racist stereotypical thinking that is fanned and given a sort of right wing legitimacy by the racism of right wing media -- for example, almost any statements and assumptions promoted by individuals like Rush Limbaugh, or the statements about slavery made by Tea Party Queen Michele Bachmann or the dunce Rick Santorum, two more shining stars of the right :
"Slavery had  a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President," reads pledge.
That is a statement which is factually inaccurate, facts which can be verified.  But it represents the kind of racist animus in the assumptions that underlie Republican ideology and belief.

Another example of this right wing misogyny and racsim combining is in the antipathy towards specific public unions:
Much has been made of Walker’s decision to exempt from his plan firefighter, police and state trooper unions — conveniently, the only three public sector unions that endorsed him. But as Dana Goldstein points out, not only are the exempted unions largely Republican-leaning, they’re also overwhelmingly male — over 70 percent of law enforcement personnel are male, as are over 96 percent of firefighters. On the other hand, many of the non-exempt unions represent professions that are disproportionately female — approximately 80 percent of teachers are women, for example, as are 95 percent of nurses
African-Americans are also disproportionately employed in the public sector: According to a report by the nonprofit United for a Fair Economy, blacks are 30 percent more likely than the overall workforce to hold public sector jobs. Kai Wright reports that preliminary data from a study by Steven Pitts of U.C. Berkeley’s Center for Labor Education and Research shows that 14.5 percent of all public sector workers in the nation are black, compared to 10 percent in most other sectors, and around a quarter of black workers are employed in public administration, as compared to under 17 percent of all white workers.

The right wing is incapable of recognizing, much less acknowledging their racism or misogyny; and in many instances that might reflect their lack of awareness of the stereotypical underpinnings of their assumptions that form their beliefs.  But they cannot be excused a complete failure to be factual, to conform their political positions to factual reality instead of their emotional ideology.  The right demonstrates all of the functions associated with the amygdala, the rejection of any data regardless of it being accurate if it does not conform to the world view they choose to embrace.  The amygdala is not associated with the rational thought processes, which is consistent with other scientific findings about the tendencies of conservative thought.
It would be simplistic, and inaccurate, to assert that all conservatives are of lower intelligence.  But it better explains the political polarization that we are experiencing, and which are emphasized and exacerbated, if we recognize that the right wing ideology that is driving the direction of the 2012 election, on issues and with candidates, are shaped on the right by strong cognitive bias that is largely impervious to reason because it is based on deeply held, even unconsciously held beliefs and stereotypes rather than deriving from fact and objective reality.
For the left and center to overcome that deeply held bias expressed in their politics, we need to not just call out racism and misogyny, we need to shine such a bright spotlight on it that it cannot survive unrecognized within the right themselves.  To succeed in re-uniting this nation, with any remote hope of surviving and making progress out of our current crises, we need to be rational but to recognize the emotion rather than reason of the right.  If we do not recognize the nature of the opposition, we cannot hope to change it or to prevail over it.  We need to understand it to fight it, and to condemn it but not to demonize it, which will drive the right to more deeply entrench themselves.  The right will continue to try to justify their bias with fact averse rhetoric pat phrases, like 'playing the race card'.


  1. Hey Terry - it's been a long time.

    Joking about what? Racialization of ideas?

    No, not kidding at all. Have you read any of the studies, the research, the books based on this research?

    I'm betting you reject that science like you reject climate change - because you don't like it, not because it isn't true.


    Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

    The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

    And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  3. Welome to penigma.

    And no, you're wrong, it is NOT anti-white, not at all.

    If you think white people haven't been going into other countries where there are asian, black or other indigenous people, you're mistaken. Apparently you are ignoring all of the colonial incursions by white people into areas where there were other groups living. You seem obsessed with the wole intermarry thing. Perhaps you should follow the Louis Gates series that shows how much even Europeans are already an admixture.

    Perhaps you should explore more how we as a species have merged with our closest relatives, like the Denisovan and Neanderthal, whose DNA is in some of us. It makes race look like what it should be - trivial. We are all more similar than different, part of a spectrum, not profoundly separate groups as you conceptualize us.

    We are the family of man. You are perversely obsessed with a non-existant racial purity.

    You have some badly flawed concepts that seem to have failed to fully appreciate the concepts of past, present, and future human migrations.

    Anti-racist is a code word for humans being equal, not for anti-white, anti-black, anti-man or anti-woman. You are putting an unnecessarily negative interpretation on this which is your projection, rather than what was written here (or elsewhere).

  4. 6840

    Thanks for commenting, interesting (and illuminating) that you ally with our right wing commencers.

    As far as things go, my family has been in the United States almost 400 years, we have a couple to three families we can trace back through who were on the Mayflower. My opinion is, America for the English, and only the English. Why is it only the English territories were supposed to be open to settlement by other races from Europe? I mean, did you see the French offering to let English settlers stay in Montreal? What about the Spanish, they didn't let the English go to Mexico. No, it's only the English countries. So, if you're Italian, Spanish, French, Polish, Czech, Swedish, German, or any other race other than English, get the hell out. THis land is my land, but not yours.

    By the way, at what time did northern Europeans ever constitute more than 80% of the population of this country? At what time was immigration disallowed. When did the British NOT settle South Africa or Egypt or India or Australia or New Zealand? Not sure when that was, but I say to that as well, GET OUT all you non-English interlopers. That land is mine too.

  5. A program of White genocide is being carried out against White people on earth. It is being carried out as follows:

    1) Immigrants from the “developing world” are flooded into the West.

    2) These immigrants and any national minorities are then forced integrated with the White populations, communities, and institutions. This is made law by removing freedom of association, creating affirmative action and requiring racial quotas. Whites who wish to move from these dangerous, integrated communities are forced to live in expensive suburban or exurban areas (which will be forced integrated over time anyway) which makes having large families difficult. Anyone who objects to this is denied economic opportunities, status, and in some cases freedom itself.

    3) An information campaign is implemented which demonizes Western culture and history. The old myths that helped form the identities of the West are replaced with new mythologies that make Whites into enemies of humanity and non-whites (like MLK) as morally superior heroes. People who oppose mass immigration and forced integration are portrayed as mentally ill, evil, and lacking positive human qualities. Miscegenation is encouraged and glorified. The people of the West are constantly reminded of the inevitable brown future and that anything short of celebrating this makes you a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    This system leads to the end of the White-European people.

    Article 2 of the UN convention on Genocide:

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

  6. Your comment is a combination of some of the silliest and least factually accurate claims that I have ever seen on this blog or anywhere else - and I am well read.

    No one is demonizing western European culture; so far as I can see, it is still alive and well and thriving. We just noted here and celebrated for example, the 75th anniversary of the publication of Tolkein's Hobbit, and we regularly remark on other cultural occasions related to white western european cultural events or developments.

    More fundamental than that however are your basic premises about race, what it is, who is which, etc.

    As to miscegenation.......glorified? encouraged? No. People are allowed to marry and procreate with the partner they love and wish to commit to for the rest of their lives (at least that is their intention). This is the case because race is simply not an important barrier to that - but again, you fail to correctly understand race, and possibly species.

    Whites as enemies of humanity? Are you simply nuts or mentally deficient or just incredibly badly educated? The recognition of Martin Luther King was the same as the recognition of Gandhi for an advancement of a peaceful quest for equality where there was inequality. Those who engged in lynching, and blowing up churches with children inside them should be demonized for their choices and prejudices. That is a criticism of individuals, in the latter, and a positive recognition of individuals (MLK and those who worked with him) in the case of MLK and his associates - who were not all black - that occurs on the basis of accomplishment, not race.

    White people are NOT in danger of disappering from the earth, nor is our culture. Jews are not bad. Muslims are not bad. People are not good or bad, much less superior or inferior, based on their religion or culture.

    Perhaps the greatest irony here is that you yourself appear to be badly educated in a whole range of topics, which include that 'white culture' you write about.

    I and my co-bloggers are well educated; we are clearly more familiar with that 'white culture' you reference, in areas like literature - Chaucer snd Shakespeare, medieval French poetry, art, music, history, political science, philosophy, etc. We are multi-lingual in european languages, including classical ones. We have traveled the world, clearly, more than you appear to have done, including Europe. So we know that culture, individually and as a group of bloggers, far better than you do -- and have also experienced more of the culture in other places of the globe.

    In short from that perspective a couple of thins are clear. 1. you lack the ability to engage in factual, critical thinking; 2. you don't know your subjects, either what race is and isn't (from the perspective of any number of scientific and academic areas of expertise), or that white culture you claim to exalt - you are an ignorant person; 3. your assumptions and premises of how the world works, including what constitutes genocide, is as flawed as everything else you embrace, if you think there is white genocide.

    A brown future? Yeah, the 'brown future' I'm more concerned about is from global warming, as in drought and deforestation, which are far more real threts than your minority invasion fantasies.

    If this is your notion of a white culture, the white supremacist crap you believe, your subculture of extremism is a failure.

    Get an education.
