Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Shaky Fist Full of Awesome, Awful ---- They Both Begin with A


  1. Republicans sure do love them some washed-up senile movie actors!

  2. Welcome, Professor Chaos to Penigma, and thank you for your comment!

  3. I don't think that Clint Eastwood is washed up or senile. I think that he's a talented director and actor (although somewhat one-dimensional in that area). I also think that he, like the Dixie Chicks, Tubby Keith, Lee Gruenwald and other "celebrities" are nothing like well educated in the area of economics, polity or foreign relations. Most recently Eastwood has made that fairly obvious.

  4. He certainly is a very talented artist; politician, despite serving as a local mayor, not so much.

    Even the greatest talents begin to fall victim sooner or later to aging; I think like other greats he is starting to fray around the edges a bit, and this was a mistake on his part, not a success. You have to ask if this is really where you want to make this kind of experiment; I would suggest that the way conventions are 'scripted', and the intention of their message, and specific audience, no, not so much.
