Friday, September 7, 2012

Buy the Numbers

Yes, that's an intentional play on words: By/Buy. 

Numbers, Facts, Performance. 

Those are all lacking on the GOP side of this election. The only two things we have seen from Mitt R-money and his side kick the Lyin' Ryan are an ability to lie straightfaced while smiling broadly, and an extraordinary ability to enrich the 1% while crashing and burning the lives of everyone else.

Here's a further thought. The combination of Bush Tax Cuts, unfunded wars with blank check no-bid contractors engaging in war profiteering, unfunded domestic spending, combined with de-regulation of the financial sector, was a disaster for our economy and our high government debt.

A phrase I heard the other day perfectly describes the extreme numbers of extreme paleocons from the Bush administration surrounding and advising Mitt Romney.   The phrase which caught my attention in the context of Romney wanting such a large percentage of GDP spent on our military is this - no one buys a bicycle unless they want to ride it.

No one builds a military that size unless they have intentions to use it.

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