Saturday, November 17, 2012

A service for our conservative readers, entertainment for everyone else

As a service to our conservative readers, Mother Jones has sorted your numerous, oh so numerous, silly conspiracy theories that are preventing you from engaging in serious discussions of factual issues in an objective and realistic way.  The two greatest barriers to any kind of meeting of the minds is the right wing paranoia that is expressed in ludicrous conspiracy theories, and the obsessiveness of the right in holding on to the premises in your failed ideology with a death grip, in spite of the obvious failures of every part of that ideology, as proven by fact. The greatest of these ideology failures is your economic notions, but the rest are pretty tattered failures as well.

Looking at the assembled conspiracy theories (and these are not really ALL of them, but they represent a good assortment) should allow you to accept that your obsession with these conspiracies is unhealthy, and that espousing them just makes you look silly.  We can only hope from there that you will begin to take a more objective look at the failed premises of your ideology, and return to a better form of conservatism, the conservatism of your moderate factions that are based in reality that you have repudiated in your lemming migration to the right that is headed off a different cliff than the healthy change when we dump the Bush tax cuts in January, at least for the rich.

From Mother Jones:

Chart: Almost Every Obama Conspiracy Theory Ever
Fake birth certificates, ghostwriters, teleprompters, a teenage trip to Mars, and more of the most paranoid and bizarro Obama conspiracy theories out there.

—By Asawin Suebsaeng and Dave Gilson

Barack Obama's presidency has been an inspiration to many Americans—especially nutjobs. Ever since the first-black-president-to-be appeared on the national political stage, a cottage industry of conservative conspiracy theorists has churned out bizarro, paranoid, and just plain racist effluvia—some of which has trickled into the political mainstream. Below, we've charted some of the Obama-baiters best (i.e., worst) work. (Scroll down for more detailed descriptions of the conspiracy theories in the diagram.)

Venn diagram of Obama conspiracy theories

If you have the stomach for them, and are properly armored with a healthy sense of humor, you can read more on each of the individual conspiracies in the diagram here.  For anyone who is not a die-hard far right extremist conservative (which is sadly pretty much the entirety of the GOP and all of the Tea Party, the Birchers, etc.) a caution should be issued -- you are susceptible, vulnerable.  Read with care, as this could lead to a greater escalation of your paranoia, you risk latching on to new conspiracy theories that might have escaped your notice.

For everyone else -- have a good laugh with your favorite cup of Joe.

1 comment:

  1. You do know that you're not gonna make much headway with people who don't/can't read?

    The dysintelligencia of the ReiKKKwing of the GOP (the 94%) that give ALL of them a bad name will not or can not register observable facts. True story.
